Beyond Transactions : Building Lasting Relationships in Freelance Services through Emotional Branding.

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Your business has to be more than just a toilet paper transaction. 🚽
If you are a freelancer/ agency owner, read this out!

The services that you offer need to stand out in terms of quality, no matter how much time you take to deliver that quality.

Lemme give you an example…

Stuff like toilet paper and pens exist to solve obvious problems, but you barely look at the brand of the toilet paper you buy.

If you don’t find the brand that you like in the supermarket, you often buy another brand without blinking an eyelid.

These things are:

  • cheap
  • solve basic problems
  • don’t reach your intellectual level
  • can be easily substituted by other brands.

They are commodities.
You buy them…use them…and move on.
Zero heartfelt connection.

Now what comes to your mind when you think of an H&M T-shirt or your favorite Nike shoes?


You will think a zillion times before buying any other brand since you have become loyal to such brands while paying a hefty price for their products/ services.

Da Milano offers a lifetime warranty on their bags!
Can any brand beat that?

⛩ These brands don’t offer everyday commodities. They have become movements.

📣 So why does all of this matter to you, the creator?

Your job is to create an emotional connection that touches your potential client’s heart while providing the premium service he/she is looking for.

💰 If you offer mediocre services while charging a premium amount from your client, he/she will find out one day and never return to you.

💰💰💰 A service that justifies the amount you charge will force the clients to become your retainer clients.

PS: Have you figured out who amongst your target audience are cold/warm/hot leads?
Let’s talk!

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